This Week’s Cartoon: “Violent Spin”
What really drives me nuts in the wake of the Giffords shooting is the chorus of voices — mostly on the right — tut-tutting that “we can’t jump to conclusions.” As though they are the source of caution and reason and all things prudent and high-minded. Well, guess what: Your candidates are anything but. I don’t really care whether Loughner is schizo, or what particular bits of tea party propaganda he swallowed or didn’t. If you don’t find the violent language of the right utterly repugnant, then it’s a sign of how far we’ve drifted away from normalcy in this country.
As any anthropologist will tell you, human behavior doesn’t happen in a vacuum; we live in a cultural stew, and by all accounts, that stew is a-bubblin’. Tom Tomorrow linked to a depressing timeline of armed insurrection in America just since 2008. Hint: it’s long.
Tags: Gabrielle Giffords, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle, violence