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This Week’s Cartoon: “The Hoodie: Apparel of Peril”

Cartoon about Trayvon Martin and hoodiesThe hoodie is about as universal as blue jeans these days, transcending practically every youth subculture. Considering that some 99.98% of hoodie-wearers are non-thugs, you’d have to be a clueless Fox News pundit to find the garment gunfire-provokingly scary.

I regret that I could not include the Great Hoodie Wars of the 7th century between the House of the Zip-Front and the House of Pullovers, as I unfortunately did not have not enough room to draw a giant battle scene.

Relevant links, as provided by Daily Kos commenters: NRA begins selling hoodies with a handgun pocket

University of Texas cartoonist draws mind-blowingly racist cartoon about Trayvon Williams

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This Week’s Cartoon: “GOP Cleans Up Environmental Laws”

While the nation was distracted with debt ceiling shenanigans, House Republicans did something else that went largely and predictably ignored by much of the news media. They quietly slipped 39 anti-environmental riders, many of them eye-poppingly radical, into an appropriations bill. The riders would do things like: prevent the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases for one year, stop coal ash from being treated as hazardous waste, and block the enforcement of new fuel efficiency laws that automakers have actually agreed to. The money quote from Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID): “Many of us think that the overregulation from E.P.A. is at the heart of our stalled economy.” Oh yeah, that’s it. Fortunately, many of these brilliant ideas won’t make it through the Senate, but you never know, now that we live in a hostage-ocracy.

As I first read about this, it occurred to me that Republicans tend to view environmental protections themselves as a form of pollution. If the GOP fought actual pollution with the same vigor they display in fighting pollution laws, America would be clean enough to lick. Don’t think about that too hard.

Oh, and on a somewhat-related note: it takes a lot to get me to LOL, but this item on TPM did it. Tea Partiers have swallowed a Glenn Beck-promoted conspiracy theory that the UN is going to take away their farms through a sustainability program called “Agenda 21.” To quote Beck:

Some people now have begun questioning and standing up to what, on the surface, seems like a harmless initiative just to save the environment. But it is not… once they put their fangs into our communities, they’ll suck all the blood out of it, and we will not be able to survive. Watch out.

(via Media Matters)

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This Week’s Cartoon: “Drooly Julie in ‘Hard Science'”

OK, so I couldn’t resist the Weiner story. But at least I tried to address the larger issue of  the media’s obsession with sex scandals, as opposed to drawing something that basically said “Haw haw! Politician can’t keep it in his pants!” Unlike the lawmakers who supported the Iraq War, Weiner never cost anyone his or her life. Nor was he hypocritical like so many “family values” politicians who try to micromanage other people’s sex lives (as Dan Savage put it) while taking liberties with his own. Plus, the boniferous crotch shot had a certain je ne sais quoi.

Seriously, though, it’s a huge problem for our democracy that the important issues — especially ones involving money — tend to be too dry and complex for mass appeal. Because that’s really where the action is. Not in Weiner’s underpants!

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To contact Jen, email: jensoren {at} gmail {dot} com

While I do read all my email, I regret that I can’t respond to most of them, or I’d never meet my deadlines. An increasing number of people have been sending cartoon ideas lately, which is flattering, though to be clear, I don’t use ideas from readers. This is partly because my comics have a particular format and voice, and I prefer writing them myself.

You may repost occasional cartoons to your personal blog as long as you link back to this site. For all other uses, kindly email me.

Please be polite, or be deleted. In the trash folder, no one can hear you scream.

12.09.2012 | Posted in

The Goatmaster General

This brief video provides a good overview of the destruction DeJoy has wrought and why he needs to go. 

Also: YOU are invited to attend a special series of free online panels at the AAEC Zoomfest on Saturday Oct. 9. We’ve got some fantastic guests! Keith Knight will talk about the second season of his show “Woke” on Hulu. I’ll be interviewing Ruben Bolling, Lalo Alcaraz and Marty Two Bulls will discuss this year’s controversial Pulitzer results. And much more! Check out the details here:


Newish Gigs

Some exciting new developments: As of a couple months ago, The Nation began publishing comics regularly in the print edition, as well as online, and I’m honored to be in the rotation. Here’s a recent strip of mine in Comix Nation.

I’m also happy to be part of’s stellar new cartoon lineup, which you can check out here. My strip will appear on The Nib on Thursdays.


Jen Sorensen has given presentations and speeches at numerous places and events around the country, including the National Archives, the Library of Congress, Netroots Nation, the Center for Cartoon Studies, the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, the Rhode Island School of Design, the Center For American Progress, the first annual ACLU convention, the Ohio State University Library Festival of Cartoon Art, the Virginia Festival of the Book, and a special cartoonist edition of Todd Zuniga’s internationally-renowned Literary Death Match. Talks typically involve a highly-entertaining and informative cartoon slideshow, discussion of politics and the life of a professional cartoonist, the business of freelancing, and more.

To bring Jen to your college or event, please be prepared to cover travel costs plus a speaking fee. For further information, email jensoren {at} gmail dot com.

12.09.2012 | Posted in

Jen Sorensen is a cartoonist for Daily Kos, The Nation, In These Times, Politico and other publications throughout the US. She received the 2023 Berryman Award for Editorial Cartooning from the National Press Foundation, and is a recipient of the 2014 Herblock Prize and a 2013 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award. She is also a Pulitzer Finalist.



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