This Week’s Cartoon: “More E-holes”

Didn’t have time to blog while I was in New York, but better late than never. If you’ve ever been in email or Facebook contact with me, rest assured that with this cartoon, I am not talking about you. It’s all completely hypothetical, of course. Except for whoever is tweeting under the handle OprahWinfrey.
I don’t begrudge people for getting excited about the iPad or their iPhone, but I’m put off by the expensive data plan, and kind of surprised so many people are willing to sign up for it. I’ve literally saved thousands of dollars by using a cheap-ass cellphone that costs me less than $10/month. And I just seek out free wifi for my netbook when I travel. Of course, I’m a frugal cartoonist, and if I had a high-paying job in a cubicle farm, I might treat myself to an iPad too.