This Week’s Cartoon: “GOProducts”

I wrote this one on my flight to Boston for the Reubens Weekend. I’d just read a NYT article about tennis star Maria Sharapova launching a line of tennis ball-shaped candy called “Sugarpova” which sort of cracked me up. And then a strange paranormal phenomenon occurred: the closer I got to Boston, the more I became possessed with the kitschy spirit of “Big Fat Whale” cartoonist Brian McFadden, at whose apartment I would be spending the night. The cartoon was actually drawn in Brian’s Big Fat Office, and Photoshopped on his Big Fat Computer using one of his Big Fat Fonts. Moreover, Brian suggested the title and provided key editorial advice for the last panel, which was going to show a jar of jellybeans with the black licorice ones removed as opposed to the funnier “separate but equal” jar of beans. So, Brian, Mr. Perkins tips his hat to you. I apologize for only adding the “Thanks, Brian” to the strip belatedly, as it’s well-deserved.