Americans Separated From Their Decency

This is one of those issues that’s so sad, it’s hard to write jokes about it. To make matters worse, the administration is making great efforts to confuse people, saying the forced child separations are the fault of “Congress” or Democrats, so many Americans may not even understand who is really responsible. The disinformation is as significant as the policy.
Under normal circumstances, at least, you’d think there would be a great national revulsion. Back in 2005, the country reached a turning point after Hurricane Katrina, which revealed the Bush administration to be the incompetent buffoons that they were. Granted, it shouldn’t have taken so long for that particular epiphany to occur, but it did. In today’s media environment, such a political turning point seems almost impossible. I was shocked to learn that Trump’s Gallup poll numbers have actually gone up since the Canada/North Korea debacle, and have been trending upward for several months.